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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 1: Independent Study

CryENGINE 3 - Vol 1 - An Introduction and Application

1.       Keyboard movement:      w: forward

                                                             s: backward

                                                             a: left

                                                             d: right

               right click: on viewport to look around
             middle mouse button (scroll): to pan around

2.       Mouse movement
        Requires only scroll and right click button to move around
        Shift key:  speeds up movement with mouse
        Alt + middle mouse button:  camera orbit around object or screen
        Speed: next to speed is 0.1,1 and 10. Or you can custom the speed value.
        Q: Movement through terrain shortcut

3.       Go to position: enables to establish and find current or key coordinates.
        Saving camera scene to shortcut: ctr+f1, second camera shortcut would be ctrl+f2
        Loads the saved shortcut: shift+f1, second camera load would be shift+f2 and so on.
        (all this shows in the variable console.)

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